Sunday, November 16, 2008

Call me, beep me, if you want to reach me

Why hello my fellow friends and acquaintances of the hour,

This is the very first blog for the take off a young sparrow of the 21st century. Last time I wrote a blog was back in the previous years of my life but now I have gone back to the ol' habit. After being encouraged by a friend (Annie mister) to join blog spot I thought it might be a good idea to start writing again. Its a good way to vent and share the positive energy that I always feel....I don't need to focus on the negative so much because IM NO EMO! I write for enjoyment and for fun, I have a diary which is not public. I love talking and suffer a case of mouth diarrhea as a handful of people are aware of.

So yes, first blog aye? I guess this means this is the part where I introduce myself right..?

Name: Ness

Sex: Female

Age: 20 in December....which is only a few weeks and somehow I feel no different

Occupation: Uni Student studying Graphic Design and Media Arts...tis the shit!

Favourite Colour: Purple, darker shades are the best.

Favourite items: Dresses, I can never have enough dresses this is my favourite item of clothing besides shoes! I like a bit of bling but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Favourite Food: I dont really have one, I am not a fan of a lot of vegetables- Im not a rabbit, does it look like I have large ears and whiskers?? I love a good steak, I am very much into Asian delights as well as an authentic Italian dish. I guess you could say that I'm an all rounder when it comes to food. I love cooking which is a benefit, that includes making decadent desserts which are packed full of chocolate goodness.

...If you can't tell, food is my life. I don't eat to live, I live to eat.

Music: This is the difficult one...I didn't have one favourite genre. I grew up listening to Jazz, Classical, Basa Nova, Brazilian, Soul, Easy listening, Rock and Funk. I do have an appreciation for most music because of this upbringing.....I have to say that I don't fancy country music...sorry guys, it just isn't my thing. Other than country I will listen to just about anything that is unique and hits home, give me some Chopin or even some Marilyn Manson and I'll be cool with it. Imogen Heap is my idol as a female singer, she is beautiful and very talented. I look up to her because of her strength and perseverance and unique charisma. She would be great fun to have dinner with along with Linkin Park, which I did get to meet October 18th 2007, it was the best day of that year...Chester and Mike *sigh* I got their autograph so I'm all set.

Ohh...I'm going to Soundwave 09...NIN and Lacuna Coil baby!!

Games: Yes...I have to admit that I am a little bit of a gamer girl but shoosh its a hidden talent. I will challenge you to a game of guitar hero any day or a game of Mario kart on wii! I love Zelda games, Sim games, Final Fantasy and SingStar hahaha! I have played a variety but haven't been in touch since going to university.

Hobbies: I love Graphic Design and that is the reason I am studying it, hobby wise I do a bit of photo editing and freelance work here and there. I love photography and doing a bit of craft. Foil etchings and paper craft like scrap booking can be quite amusing for me.....spotlight and eckersleys are great shops *drools* I had a strong interest in Anime and manga but I don't mind the occasional episode or read now and then. I did study Japanese for a while so I can speak a little which helps in Karaoke.

I want to go to Japan MUCHLY!! NIHON TOTEMO SUKI DESU NE!!

Me love dancing, singing, acting and being me. Im a bargain hunter but not Asian hahaha go Annie aye! I love shopping and doing random acts of kindness, hanging out with friends and just relaxing to a cup of green tea always sounds good. Iced coffee at GJs sounds nice enough in summer especially, I want a high paying job so that I can afford all these things.

I would like to own a Designer dress one day...hrmm well I lie....I have one already, its is cute summery one which is red plaid and ultra cute ^_^

Chocolate is a weakness and always has been, I love the imported goodness of Belgium and Swiss brands...Italian and Dutch is definitely up there. I am also loving those cute peanut butter M&Ms and Hershey's kisses....cute.

Ive been told that I have a nice smile...Its a plus and I do smile a WHOLE lot so you better get used to it bud! I'm trying a new look with copper red hair which seems to be working, compliments handed this way is always a good thing. On Wednesday I dressed up pretty swanky indeed, I decided to since it was the last night to go out in Wollongong for the year after uni finished...was totally worth it. I did feel a tad overdressed but I did look sexy even if those few drinks went to my head faster than usual.

A favourite moment of mine is listening to the sound of the rain at night, looking at a sunset in a red sky, sitting by the water is always relaxing but its funny that I'm not much of a tanner. I live so close to the beach and still have no motivation to sit for hours on the beach and get a mean tan.....point is?? I'm not like every girl in the heart of Wollongong.

I'm different.

Apparently one of interest, since I even fetched laundry at 3am in kitten heels and a gorgeous dress.

Yes...I did, honestly. Well that's another story to tell.

Okay since we I have introduced myself its time to let you all know that I'm currently at the parents for the holidays. I am going to be in Western Australia for about 3 months which is ages!! Its going to be a bludge and I'm hoping to get a job or something but It will be fun in January because I will be flying off to Malaysia....oh yeah a beach resort with a hot tub and cocktails! I guess that means I have to buy a bikini....damn it...thankfully I have lots a lot of weight and will look somewhat decent in bikini.

So there you go, I shall be on my way and will write again soon. If you are awake reading this I hope you enjoyed the little spiel on me and myself. Drop a message anytime. I do like surprises.

Signing off,



Annie said...

ooooh a blog!!!! sorry its taken me so long to notice - combination of not having actually come on this site in like 2 weeks and having a lot of blogs i follow...

yes bloggin is an awsome way to vent. i do love it. yayy


YAAA KARAOKE!!!! yaa japan!!!! yaaaa wednesday night!!!! yaa message!!!!!

haha write another blog now!

i will... soon i promise ;)

word verification : plent

aa said...

looking forward to many more posts :D any friend of Annie's is a friend of mine... bring back the blog!
x Anna